WH Scholz (1958, Dresden-Blasewitz), painter, photographer and film director
Lives in Mexico City and Munich (studios in Mexico City and Dresden)
Studied fine arts at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts (HfBK, 1982-85, F.Panndorf), Graphology (Leipzig, 1987-88, I.Rudolph), had a teaching position at the University of Television and Film Munich (HFF, 1990-91), gave seminars at the Film University Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica Mexico City (CCC, 2002).
He is founder (1994) and CEO of the Sic! Film Production GmbH, Munich.
He worked from 1992 till 2008 as an tv editor and film director by Bavarian TV
broadcast, ZDF, the MDR and for other european TV broadcasters like ORF and ARTE.
In 2013 he was appointed at the Saxon Academy of Arts, Germany.
The Film Library of the University UNAM and the Museum Chopo (both Mexico City)
presented 2016 and 2017 a hughe retrospective of his works. In 2017 the Federal Film Archive, Berlin, and in 2018 the State Library of Saxony acquired the largest part of his film and multimedia work for its archive.
a selection of solo exhibitions and performances
2022 Gallery Casa Rafael Galván, Mexico City
"Rostro Invisible", Photography, Video Installation and book presentation
2020 Palast of Culture, Dresden, Germany
Shadow Seeker, theatrical feature film, new version (director's cut)
live presentation of the film, music by Dresdner Philharmonie
2019 Museum of Contemporary Art (MACO), Oaxaca, Mexico
The Void, multimedia stage piece and book presentation
2019 Museum Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Mexico City
Video installations
2018 Chopo Museum, Mexico City
The Void, multimedia stage piece, 2-channel projection
2017 LES Gallery The Clemente, New York City
"The Intelligent Labyrinth" Orientation and De-Coding, photography
2016 Film Library of the National University (UNAM), Mexico City, photography
Cineteca Nacional, Mexico City, "Time of Crows"theatrical feature film
2015 Museum of Modern Art Querétaro, Mexico
"Tracks of Bodies" (Huellas de Cuerpos), painting and drawing
"Parts / Partes" - photography, Gallery "Mal de Archivo", Rosario, Argentina
2014 Goethe Institut Mexico City
"Números/Numbers" - photography and video Installation
Galería Blanco, Buenos Aires, Argentina
"El Laberinto Interno 1" -photography and video Installation
Festival Soliloquios Dialogos, Mexico City
"Melancholy - Part 1", multimedia stage piece
Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas, Rosario, Argentina
"El Laberinto Interno 2", photography
2013 La Casona Municipal, Córdoba, Argentina
"Labyrinth Project" - drawing and photography
Teatro Montes de Oca, San José, Costa Rica
"Labyrinth Project" photography and video installation
Teatro Bataclana, Córdoba, Argentina
"Labyrinth Project" photography and video installation
Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires, Argentina
"Laberinto" drawing, photography and video installation
Gallery "Feuerwache", Dresden
"Heads", painting, drawing, photography and video installation
Museum Ex-Teresa Arte Actual, Mexico City
"Melancholy - Part 1", multimedia stage piece, 3-channel projection
"The Inner Labyrinth", multimedia performance,2-channel projection
Theater Centro Cultural „Los Talleres“, Mexico City
2012 Museum Regional, Guadalajara, Mexico
"Expulsion from Paradies", photography, room and video installation
paintingi,drawing, photography, Dreikönigskirche, Dresden
2011 painting, Museum Ex-Convento del Carmen, Guadalajara, Mexico
Gallery José María Velasco, Mexico City
"Faces - 2 Sites", photography and video installation
2010 painting, Gallery UAM Iztapalapa, Mexico City
Gallery Estación Coyoacán of Modern Art, Mexico City
painting, drawing, photography and video installation
room installation and photography, Heilig-Geist-Kirche, Dresden
2009 Neuer Sächsischer Kunstverein (mit G.Lepke), Dresden
Museum del Arzobispado, Mexico City
2008 Gallery „Seminario de Cultura Méxicana“, Mexico City
2005 Museum Chopo, Mexico City
2003 Theater of the Instituto Peruano-Norteamericano, Lima, Peru
Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center, New York City, USA
2002 Fringe Festival for Independent Dance Toronto, Canada
National Theater Havanna, Cuba
Theater Miguel Covarrubias (UNAM), Mexico City
2001 Centro de la Imagen, Mexico City
Centro Fotográfico „Álvarez Bravo“, Oaxaca, Mexico
1994 Black Box, Gasteig, Munich
1991 Galerie Carl Baasel, Starnberg, Germany
a selection of group exhibitions and performances
2022 Museum Dieselkraftwerk Cottbus
"The Chagas Freitas Collection - Art from the GDR"
2021 Berlin Art Week, New Society of Visual Arts (nGbK), Berlin
2019 Butoh Festival, Kyoto, Japan
2018 Museum of SHCP, Antiguo Palacio del Arzobispado, Mexico City
Photography, Gallery of Casa de Coahuila, Mexico City
2017 “How Bodies Appear”, Film, Savvy Contemporary, Berlin
“Face 05-08”, Video Installation, “Lange Nacht der Utopie”
Saxon Academie of Arts, Haus des Buches, Leipzig, Germany
Drawing, Gallery Estación Coyoacán of Modern Art, Mexico City
2017 drawing, Gallery Estación Coyoacán of Modern Art, Mexico City
2016 "Time of Crows" Kinospielfilm, Int'n Film Festival Houston, USA
2015 Photography, Museum Chopo, Mexico City
photography, BBK Galerie Maximilianstrasse, Munich
photography, Rathaus Dresden
"Time of Crows" film, Int'n Film Festival Milano, Italy
2014 painting, Museu dos Correo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
painting, Museu dos Correo, Brasilia, Brasil
painting, Gallery Sybille Nütt, Dresden
Dresden Contemporary Art
2013 "Selbstportraits", drawing, Gallery OBEN, Chemnitz, Germany
photography, JohannStadthalle, Dresden
photography, BBK Galerie, München
"Melancholy - Part 1", multimedia performance, 3-channel projection
Theater Centro Cultural „Los Talleres“, Mexico City
"The Inner Labyrinth", multimedia performance, 2-channel projection
Theater Universität Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, Mexico
2012 painting, Galerie Vértice, Guadalajara, Mexico
2011 painting and video installation, Dreikönigskirche "Kreuz-Projekt", Dresden
paintingi, Gallery Vértice, Guadalajara, Mexico
room installation, Gallery SHCP, Mexico City
Film "Body Building", Festival Usti nad Labem, Tschechien
2010 Film "The Image Inside", Documentary Campus, Newseeland
2009 Film "Das Bild in mir", Dresdner Stadtmuseum
Film "Das Bild in mir", Angermuseum, Erfurt
"Ohne Uns", Films, Motorenhalle Dresden
Film "Das Bild in mir", Int'l Dokumentarfilm Festival Leipzig
2008 painting, Gallery Vértice, Guadalajara, Mexico
drawing, Museum of Art and History, Juarez City, Mexico
2006 painting, Gallery Oscar Roman, Mexiko City, Mexico
drawing, Gallery Metropolitana, Mexiko City
2005 "Ser Vivientes", multimedia performance, 2-channel projection
Theater Centro Cultural „Los Talleres“, Mexico City
2001 "Lost Wings" film, Int'n Independent Film Festival New York, USA
2000 "Lost Wings" Kinospielfilm, Int'n Film Festival Mailand, Italien
"Lost Wings" Kinospielfilm, Int'n Film Festival Karlovy Vary, Tschechien
"Lost Wings" Kinospielfilm, Int'n Film Festival Houston, USA
"Verlorene Flügel" Kinospielfilm, Filmfestspiele Bieberach, Deutschland
"Lost Wings" Kinospielfilm, Int'n Film Festival Vancouver, Kanada
"Lost Wings" Kinospielfilm, San Marco Island Int'n Film Festival Florida, USA
1999 Internationale Filmtage Hof, Deutschland
1995 Festival der A*Devantgarde, Neuen Theater, Munich
Film "Shaddow Seeker", Int'l Dokumentarfilm Festival Munich
Film "Schattensucher", Int'l Dokumentarfilm Festival Leipzig
1993 ART FAIR, Gallery Walter Bischoff, Los Angeles, USA
"Häutungen", Multimediale Inszenierung, Film, Theaterhaus, Stuttgart
1992 drawing, ART FAIR, Gallery Walter Bischoff, Cologne
Film "Kohlenlothar", Int'l Dokumentarfilm Festival Munich
1991 painting, "20 Münchner Künstler", Altes Rathaus Munich
drawing, Gallery Walter Bischoff, Stuttgart
1990 "Ausgebürgert", Albertinum, Dresden
1989 Installation, Film, BBK Galerie, Munich
1988 Filme, HfBK Academy of Fine Arts Dresden
drawing, Gallery A-B, Dresden